apDesign is an innovative design company established in 1995 in Pori, Finland. Designing is a process that creates a unique opportunity to stand out. Designing visualizes a company’s strategic choices concerning product and service provision. In collaboration with the client, apDesign aims to create unique and interesting products where functionality, technical durability and aesthetics form a high-quality entity. In addition to design services, apDesign also provides consultancy services.
Expert design company apDesign transforms visions into tangible products
“If you are looking for innovative and unique design ideas for your products, apDesign is the right partner for your company. Designing is a process that always starts with the client’s needs, for which we deliver innovative and sustainable design solutions based on our decades of experience,” says Antti-Pekka Levanto.
apDesign aims to gamify client encounters with an online order form
Antti-Pekka Levanto envisions that in the future, we could create a gamified order form, where the client can choose, for example, the level of quality of their product. The required design quality could be determined, for example, by using car brands as an example. The customer could, for example, say whether they are looking for Jaguar-, Volvo- or Lada-level quality. The questionnaire would provide information about the customer’s requirements regarding the product, including color, shape, usability, material, and size. As a result of the questionnaire, the customer could visually see what the product would look like and how the price would be determined. The idea behind the gamified order form is to make the design process more transparent. After completing the order, the client would automatically receive an indicative timetable for the design of their product and be able to follow the design process. Whenever a designer works on the client’s product design, the client would automatically receive a short description of the state of the process. There would be demand for such a service. Gamification would help clients to try out different design and price options for their product. This type of order process would make the design process transparent to the client and save the client’s time by eliminating the need for initial design meetings.
“Designing is a process of exploration, experimentation, and discovery, and gamification brings a new form of visual presentation to client encounters,” says Antti-Pekka Levanto. “This is why we are part of the Gamecoast network, to extend our service range with new, innovative solutions.”
Writer Pirita Ihamäki and Translator Lingo Languages Ltd.